Theatre and dance is one of the most effective ways to bring a group of people together and allow them to share their visions and passions. We’ve always appreciated how a theatre production or a dance performance can unite people from all walks of life and the benefits of dance and theatre in the community are certainly far reaching.

Deliberating whether to install a dance or drama studio in a community space can be a difficult decision and one which requires the costs to be fully justified in order for a project to go ahead. With that in mind we thought we’d outline some of the most significant benefits that creating a performance space in your community can impart.

Give young people a passion

Have any of you heard of a little known dance group called Diversity? They’ve become rather popular over recent years after winning Britain’s Got Talent in 2009 and performing in front of the Queen at the Royal Variety Show. Diversity have inspired young people everywhere to get together and create a performance to be proud of with their imaginative and humorous routines, especially as the 11 strong troupe, comprised of normal East London lads, began storming the dance scene shortly after being formed.

Youth projects are usually highly beneficial to young people and can be vital in deprived areas where children and teens would otherwise be out on the streets during evenings and weekends. A dance studio or stage area can offer a wealth of opportunities for young people and leads to increased confidence and discipline which they can then apply to their schoolwork or utilise in their chosen career.

While local communities and councils can be reluctant to invest in studio equipment for youth and community groups, the benefits can far outweigh the costs from the perspective of both local residents and young people. Creating a dance or drama studio can also be as elaborate or a basic as you see fit, discussing your requirements with a reputable stage company such as PG Stage can help you choose a solution to suit your space and vision.

Unite communities

Although establishing a theatre or dance group can certainly benefit young people in the community, the facilities and sense of belonging that a performance project can bring can be utilised by all members of society. Such schemes can help the long-term (or recently) unemployed regain a sense of purpose and enrich their CVs, while retired people additionally find a much-loved hobby in community theatre and dance. Installing a studio can therefore be incredibly cost effective for local community centres as the service will be used and appreciated by everyone in the community.

Again, creating a space and community projects that benefit everyone can be incredibly useful in deprived areas where people rarely integrate and really helps foster positive relationships between neighbours. As communities grow and change to a greater extent, community groups that allow people to really express a passion and channel their energies into something positive can mitigate social problems to a surprising degree

Change for the better

There’s no skirting around the ‘big’ issue here, in Britain we really need to establish a greater culture of exercise and healthy eating before we begin to rival our larger US cousins! Campaigns have already been widely promoted with TV adverts and print guides informing us of the importance of exercise and wholesome food at every turn.

It goes without saying, but dance is a fantastic form of exercise with multiple benefits for both men and women. As well as improving flexibility, fitness, stamina and muscle tone, many dancers enjoy it so much they don’t even consider it exercise. Keeping communities active and fit isn’t about tedious exercise programs and fitness is so much more effective when enjoyed within in a group. If anything, a community dance studio allows moral support for those days when getting up and active seems like a huge effort!

If you are involved in a community project or centre and would like to find out more about theatre or dance studio installation, get in touch with PG Stage for advice tailored to your budget and requirements.

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