Inspection, Testing, Reporting, Service and Maintenance

Regular inspection and testing of your stage lighting and specialist performance equipment is essential because it ensures everything is safe to use and running properly. Our experience takes us into education, schools, colleges, universities, theatres, drama studios and community centres. However your system is comprised we can offer a tailor made package of inspection and reporting.


Stage Lighting Inspection Testing and Servicing

Stage Lighting PAT Testing

School Atrium Inspection

School Atrium Lighting System

Lighting Rig Under Inspection

Lighting Rig Under Full Inspection

Complete Range of Inspection, Testing, Service and Maintenance Packages

  • Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR)
  • Portable Appliance Testing (P.A.T.)
  • Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 (LOLER)
  • Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (PUWER)

Maintenance Packages:

  • Cleaning, maintenance, service and repair of all performance related equipment
  • Replacement lamps, repositioning and refocusing of stage lanterns
  • Reprogramming of LED, moving and intelligent fixtures, control consoles, sound desks and upgrading of software.
  • Training tailored to the individual needs of your venue and users
  • Advice and guidance on Legal requirements and Essential Regulations that apply to your performance spaces

Benefits of Regular Inspection, Testing and Servicing Maintenance Visits

  • Ensure that all of your performance equipment is in good working order and safe to use. Be safe in the knowledge that you are meeting legal requirements as they relate to your performance equipment and installation.
  • Check for any faults in the system and equipment that could have an effect on upcoming performances.
  • An inspection can be the ideal time to replace any fixture lamps and access hard to reach parts of your performance space.
  • Help extend the working life of equipment and minimise wear and tear
  • Regular inspection and testing helps avoid costly down time

Areas of Expertise

  • Performance Stage Lighting Electrical and Equipment Inspection and Testing
  • Stage Engineering Systems Lifting Equipment – Fixed Bars – Trusses
  • Seating Systems including Electrically Operated Tiered Seating
  • Stage Track and Drapes Systems
  • Stage Sound Systems
  • Audio Visual Systems
  • Stage Management Systems
  • Induction Loops

In Safe Hands

The Stage & Studio Projects team have over 25 years experience in providing performance stage lighting, sound and audio-visual systems, PA systems, stage engineering, stage track and drapes, and TV and broadcast studio services to a wide range of clients. Over the years we have worked extensively with schools and colleges, theatres, galleries, places of worship, art centres, performance venues, community centres, hospitals, shopping centres and television studios. A big part of our service is providing complete inspection and testing maintenance packages from initial advice through to the issuing of reports and certification.

Many of our clients have Annual Care Packages with us that often include technical back up and service visits.

You can find out more on our Stage Equipment Testing, Inspection and Maintenance FAQs page.

For more information on our testing and inspection maintenance packages or to discuss a no obligation quotation, please call us on 0161 241 2785 or send us an email to info

For more information or to discuss your requirements in further detail please call 0161 241 2785, alternatively you can contact us below.