Open Air productions can be tricky especially since there are multiple factors to consider. Every element of a production is just as important as the next and can make or break the audience’s’ engagement. Here are a few quick tips to make the most out of an outdoor performance.

Rain Rain Go Away –

Unpredictable weather is always a concern, and most production equipment is sensitive to excessive heat and water damage. To better prepare yourself, it’s wise to have plastic tarps at the ready. By covering sensitive equipment such as cameras, lights and exposed wires, you can maximise their quality and durability. Covering equipment may be a slight hassle but when the downpour comes and your equipment continues to operate seamlessly, you’ll thank yourself. Additionally, always make sure to leave a slight gap between the equipment itself and tarp in order for to avoid contact with water. This breathing room allows for air to flow through and can also help cool equipment on hot muggy days.

Mic Check 1, Mic Check 2 –

Open air productions are always a great way to gather an audience. Space will seldom be an issue provided you have the proper permits; however, making sure your sound is distributed and level during a production is very important. Always think about potential causes of white noise that can hinder your performance and make sure to do proper mic checks. Examples of white noise can range from anything such as a baby crying, excessive audience rumbling, planes flying overhead, etc. Checking sound balance (especially if you’re a musical act) is highly important to maximise performance and keep the audience’s attention.

Stage Left or Stage Right –

Ever go to a gig and wind up standing with your neck craned upwards trying to see over the heads of people sprawled in front of you, obstructing your view? When setting up, make sure that no matter the angle, you will remain the main point of focus of your audience. Whether people are to the right, left or centre, their engagement means a great deal to the performer which is why it is key to consider, not only location, but also stage position. The people in the front row may have a great view, but let’s not forget about those at the back and off to the side, either.

If you’re looking to make your open air production a hit, keep these in mind and go the extra mile. Your audience will thank you by the end of it, and remember, rain or shine: the show must go on!

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