What Does A Video Production Studio Offer Schools?

There was a time when the closest most people could get to a professional standard television production studio would be to stand outside the BBC’s iconic Television Centre in London; back in the day, very few people had need to produce their own videos to the sort of standard we’re used to seeing our national […]

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How To Construct A Multi-Purpose Performance Space

Over the past couple of weeks, we’ve been taking a look at what spaces for specific performances and presentations require to make them effective. In particular, we’ve been looking at school drama studios and conference centres.   However, there are a wealth of venues that play host to quite a few different styles of performance, […]

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Five Things All School Drama Studios Need To Have

Drama is one of the most popular subjects among young people under the age of 18; although the subject is usually compulsory up until the age of 14, an increasing amount of students are taking it up as a GCSE option while the subject remains popular among A-Level students too. This means that schools have […]

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What Can Lighting Add To A Theatre Production?

Lighting is often seen as the simple act of illuminating action on stage. However, stage lighting in a theatre can dramatically alter the mood and atmosphere of a production. The way that lighting is used can affect how the audience perceives the action unfolding, and it can even change the entire tone and feel of […]

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